Interpreting and Real-Time Captioning Services Procedure
The Role of Interpreters and Captionists
It is important to remember that the role of the interpreters or captionists is to facilitate communication between you and other individuals. The interpreters or captionists are not meant to be active participants in the classroom, and will not serve as a note taker, tutor, counselor or advisor. The interpreters contracted through Texas State vendors hold state or national certification.
Student Responsibilities
- Register with the Disability Services (DS) by following the appropriate procedures.
- Provide DS with appropriate documentation validating the request for interpreting and/or real-time captioning services.
- After approval, the student must attend an initial intake meeting with the interpreter coordinator to review services and discuss accommodations.
- Register for classes at the earliest possible date.
- Request interpreting/captioning services for academic classes (first day of class to last day of class) by emailing the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Coordinator at
- Immediately notify the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Coordinator by sending an email to if: (a) there is a change to the class schedule or class location; (b) services are not needed for a course; (c) a class is cancelled for that day; or (d) you will be absent from or late to class. NOTE: Notifying the individual interpreter or captionist does not constitute notifying DS.
- Students are encouraged to advocate for themselves with professors and University offices. This includes introducing themselves to their professors and the interpreters or captionists on the first day of class.
- Special Requests: Students can request services for events outside of the classroom (e.g., meetings with professors or advisors, tutoring services, student organization meetings, etc.). Submit the Interpreting/Captioning Request Form at least 72 business hours prior to the start event. Failure to notify DS within this timeframe may mean that DS is unable to arrange the services with the time provided, but will not: (a) preclude the student from making the request, or (b) prevent DS from making its best effort to provide the service in the time provided.
- Final Exams: To request interpreting or real-time captioning services for a final exam, submit the Interpreting/Captioning Request Form. It is recommended to make this request at least two weeks prior to the final. Services will not be provided for final exams unless requested.
- Late Arrivals: In the event that the student does not arrive on time, the interpreters or captionists will wait for 15 minutes for the student to arrive. Students are encouraged to exchange contact information with their interpreter or captionist and communicate with them if the student knows they will arrive late to class.
- Cancellations: If you know that you will not be attending a class or scheduled meeting, email the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Coordinator at least 24 hours in advance so that DS can cancel or reschedule interpreting and/or captioning services.
- No Shows: DS understands that situations can arise at the last minute that may prevent a student from attending a class and recognizes that it is the right of any student to miss class. However, DS needs prior notification so interpreting and/or captioning services are used effectively. Services may be suspended or cancelled for students who consistently miss class without informing DS of their absences. In such instances, students will be asked to meet with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Coordinator to review the procedure and discuss their situation before services are reinstated.
- Students should communicate directly with their interpreters or captionists telling them what is liked and/or disliked regarding their service provider’s interpreting or captioning style. Discuss any problems or concerns related to the interpreting and/or captioning services with DS and/or the interpreter or captionist for the class. Students should notify the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Coordinator immediately if they have questions or there is a problem with any service provided. This includes late arrivals, unprofessional behavior or dress, breach of confidentiality, etc.
DS Responsibilities
- Verify that a student who requests interpreting or real-time captioning services is registered with DS and eligible to receive this accommodation.
- Provide the student with a copy of the Interpreting and Real-Time Captioning Services Procedure.
- Arrange the requested interpreting and/or captioning services.
- Should a student request a change to their accommodations, DS will have one week from the date of written notification to provide services for the changes.
- Assist with problem resolution if the student experiences difficulties with the services.
- Ensure that the interpreters adhere to the code of ethics set forth by the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc. (RID).
- For each class in which interpreting or captioning services are needed, the DS will provide the faculty teaching that course with information regarding best practices for effective communication with deaf and hard of hearing students.
I hereby certify that I have received, read, and agree to abide by the Interpreting and Real-Time Captioning Procedure. I understand that this agreement will remain in effect as long as I am a student at Texas State University.